
Our vision and mission

We want to ensure that everyone in Barking & Dagenham shares in our civic pride and is doing everything they can to give our users the right support, at the right time, before any problems turn into a crisis!

By 2022, we want services to be able to adopt a user-centred, data-driven approach to providing the best user journeys so that all users can access our services and that the council resources can be deployed, helping those who are most in need.

By 2024, we want all our users to be able to access and engage with services online regardless of their level of computer literacy or know-how, reflecting the councils vision of no one left behind.

To make sure we reach our goal, as a team we are going to champion the voice of the user, have a user-centred approach to all we do, ensure that our delivery is user focused and all whilst also generating a good return on investment and savings to the organisation at large.

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